Archive for July, 2018

And We Are Off to the Great NW!

July 26, 2018


Things are a little crazy around the farm these days and the lists are long.  Saturday morning, I’m embarking on a first for the National Ladies Homestead Gathering….a 10 day trip to the Pacific Northwest to visit several of our west coast chapters. We’re concluding our trip with a stop at the Mother Earth News Fair in Albany, Oregon.  I’ll be teaching two classes, “Women in Homesteading, the Need for Community” and “Simplify Your Homestead Plan.”  (If you’re in the area, please stop by!)

Many months of planning have gone into this trip and Trina and I are super excited to get started!!  (Trina is my very dear friend from VA and she’s also on the National Board.  Trina’s never been to the PNW and I’m so happy i get to introduce her to this gorgeous part of the country.)  I’ll add our itineraries so you can follow along on our journey.  Because the National Ladies Homestead Gathering (NLHG) is a young non-profit, we’re working on a shoestring budget.  I want to thank those who have been instrumental in making this trip possible.

First thanks to Diona Fredo!  She’s a flight attendant with Southwest and her volunteer hours with LHG granted us one round trip ticket.  Huge savings for us as we travel to the west coast.

Our first stop – Portland, Oregon!  Dave, my husband, grew up just outside of Portland and his mom and sister are still there.  We’ll be staying with them the first night.  Big thanks to my in-laws for allowing us to stay with them in their beautiful home.  It will be great to see them and I so appreciate not having to stay in a hotel 🙂  AND that’s not all!  My sister-in-law, Carolyn, has offered for us to use one of her cars!  Seriously!  We’re going to be traveling hundreds of miles up and over mountain ranges and she is gifting us the use of her car.  I was blown away.  She saved us over $700 in car rental fees.  Huge thank you, Carolyn ❤

A dear friend, and an NLHG Chapter Board member, sent us a Starbucks gift card (as she said, How can you be at the mothership and not get coffee?!)  (and Trina doesn’t drink coffee….more for me??!)  She also sent a $100 visa card for any travel expenses we may run into during our travels.   So incredibly grateful for this gift!!

On Sunday, we stop to visit with one of our new NLHG Chapters in Cowlitz County.  So excited to meet these ladies and to be there in person to answer any questions they may have about running a brand new chapter.

After our time with the ladies of the Cowlitz Chapter, we head north to Silverdale, WA to spend the night with my brother and his family.  Dual purpose visit – I haven’t seen him & his family in 4 years!!  AND it saves us a hotel bill.  (Thanks Kev for putting us up for the night and I can’t wait to see you!)

And then the next day……

You’ll just have to wait and see!  I’m bringing my computer to blog when I have a minute and for sure Trina and I will be posting lots of pictures.

For me, this is a sentimental “going home.”  Outside of GA, WA was the longest place i’d ever lived.  Five of my six children were born there.  We still have so many great friends who live there. (And I’m so sorry there’s not more time to see you all!  Next trip, I promise 😉

This trip is also a “pinch me!” journey.  We have NLHG chapters popping up all over the country, especially out in this area.  I still shake my head when I remember the very first meeting we had as Lazy B Farm Ladies Homestead Gathering seven years ago.  I never would have imagined I’d be where I am today!  One day at a time, one step at a time, one woman at a time until this beautiful tapestry of a community evolves.  Simply incredible!