Archive for December, 2010

Ladies’ Homestead Gathering

December 31, 2010

When:  Every 4th Thursday of the month

Where: the Lazy B Farm    1938 Parker Drive, Statham

Time: 6:30 – 7pm    Social Time

7:00 – 9 pm    Formal Gathering


Two years ago, I had the privilege of having coffee with Dr. Hamlin, a horticulturalist and organic farming advocate.  It was with some trepidation that I shared my dreams of creating an educational homestead.  Dr. Hamlin believed in what I was trying to do, encouraged my endeavors, and gently pushed me when my fears of inadequacy began to cripple my efforts.  I will forever be grateful to her for her friendship and continued encouragement.

Every woman with a dream needs someone who believes in them and in their ability to achieve those dreams.

I’ve had countless women who’ve visited the farm and time after time they’ve shared their heart’s desire…”I want to homestead.  Where do I begin?  How do I run my homestead more efficiently?  Can I really do this and succeed?”

Because of Dr. Hamlin’s example and because homesteading is such a passion of mine, I could no longer ignore the inner voice that pushed me to provide an avenue for networking and encouragement as each of us pursues the dream of homesteading.

And so, thus began the formation of the Ladies’ Homestead Gathering.  My goal and desire is to provide a haven where we can share new ideas, celebrate victories, re-think perceived failures, and cultivate friendships with other women who are like-minded.

All women are welcome who have a dream, calling, or desire to homestead.  It doesn’t matter if you’re single or married, in the planning phase or a veteran homesteader – each one has something to contribute or gain from coming together.

When: January 27, 2011; every 4th Thursday of each month thereafter

Time: 6:30 – 7pm    Social Time

7:00 – 9 pm    Formal Gathering

**Babysitting will be available in my home during these gatherings.   The fee is $10 per child for 2 hours.

Because we have so little time together, I’m respectfully asking that no children attend these gatherings.  If you have any questions, please contact me at

Merry Christmas to All

December 24, 2010

I’m tellin’ ya, when I was pulling out all the Christmas decorations this year, I would have bet money that it was less than 12 months since I’d taken them out before.  But the calendar doesn’t lie and yep, a whole year has come and gone.

This year of 2010 has been full of incredible memories, growing pains, victories, and a whole lot of laughter.  My kids have grown another year’s worth, not just physically but in maturity and life.  It’s a funny phase of parenting I’m in right now….an elementary student to one in her professional career.

Dave and I celebrated 25 years of marriage in November….

At the close of each year, I make it a point to focus on the many, many blessings from the past year.  I have to say, all of our friends, both near and far, are up at the top of my blessings list.  Some I’ve met in person along life’s journey and others I have known through the wonder of technology.

All have had an impact on me and my family in some way or another and I thank you.

Thank you for your support and encouragement as we pursue the lifestyle of homesteading.  Thank you for comments that are written on our blog or FB farm page.  Thank you for advice and added tidbits of info that are shared with all.  Daily, I look forward to hearing from you and will often go to the farm page first when I come to my computer 🙂

I love sharing what happens here at the farm, hoping and praying the stories of the antics of the animals or kids will  bring a smile; wishing that some of the info that’s shared will bring success to someone else in their homesteading.

And so, at the close of this year, I wanted to thank you all for being a part of my life here at the Lazy B Farm.  I’ve so appreciated all of you who have trekked out to our farm for one reason or another.  I’m excited about 2011 and all that’s ahead of us and I can’t wait to share it with you.

I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a blessed and contented New Year.

May your dreams begin to find a foothold in reality this new year…
