Archive for the ‘Diet choices’ Category

Rising Beef Costs…

February 12, 2011

U.S. Cattle Herd at Lowest Since 1958 May Spur Beef-Price Surge

A Bloomberg report by Elizabeth Campbell

” Consumer beef prices will be the highest ever this year and probably will climb further in 2012, Robb said.

Surging prices for corn, the main ingredient in cattle feed, discouraged livestock producers from expanding. The grain has jumped 82 percent in the past year.

Retail prices for ground beef were 8.8 percent more expensive in December than a year ago, government data show. The cost of meat this year will rise faster than total food inflation, the USDA projects.”

To view the entire article:

In a time when the economy seems so unstable, it hits hardest when it affects the necessities of life.  People are looking for alternatives to cut their dependence on their local grocery store.  It seems that the small-farm farmers are re-connecting with the community surrounding them and providing that interim step to independence.

We, at the Lazy B Farm, have been working for a couple of years to provide an answer to the rising cost of food, especially meat – good quality meat.

Since we don’t feed our steers corn, we’re not affected by the rising costs of corn.  Since our steers live on beautiful open pastures, we don’t have the medical problems that stockyards wrestle with daily.  We know our steers by name and all that TLC is passed on to you in great quality beef at a great price.

We have 5 steers ready to be sold this spring and already 2 have been spoken for.  Presently, we sell by the 1/4, 1/2, or whole steer – buying in bulk!

Because we understand all too well the economic squeeze, we’re taking deposits of $200 this month.  The remainder will be divided out over the next 2 -3 months, a payment of approximately $200 each month for a 1/4 of a steer which is equivalent to 100# of beef.

Summary:  100# of beef at $6 per pound = $600.   $600 ÷ 3 months = $200

If you’re interested in purchasing your quality, pastured beef through the Lazy B Farm or have further questions, please contact us at or call 770-289-2301.