Posts Tagged ‘Lazy B Farm on-line store’

We’re at 1000 “likes”!

December 17, 2011

I remember when I first started the Lazy B Farm page on Facebook.  It all sounded good and gave me an outlet to share what was going on with the day to day happenings.  I never thought people would seriously be interested in all the details of running a homestead.

Dave, my techy husband, had a friend who’d been studying all the social media craze. They’d been talking… and when I talked with Dave and he said that our goal was 1,000 “likes” on the page, I just laughed.

We got quickly to around 200 just cuz of my faithful friends and some who’d taken the classes here at the farm. But the increase kept going!

1,000 “likes”!  I still shake my head at the number 🙂

Lazy B Farm just ended our 3rd year of classes and events.  It’s funny to me – I never intended for this all to become a “business” but I absolutely love what’s been happening.  The greatest blessing has been the addition of so many like-minded friends, whether they live around here or are cyber friends.  There were a lot of lonely years for me but not any more!

So much has happened in 3 short years.

And I’m excited because we have so many new additions coming in January.

Probably the addition that will bring the most help is a brand new website!  It’s to launch in January – we’re working out the bugs now.

The new website will have a store where you can purchase everything from lip balm to pork.  We’re working on new items to add to our store but I can’t tell you what they are yet 🙂

Our guests will also be able to register for classes and events on line – no more sending checks in the mail!!!  (Unless of course you would like to)

My webmaster will be giving me tutorial lessons on how to update information so it’s always correct, especially the calendar.  Our blog will be incorporated into the website and there will be weekly homesteading tips on all kinds of subjects.

I’ve hired a bookkeeper who will help me keep the financial side of the farm in good stead.  This is probably my least favorite area.  But it’s her favorite area so it’s a win-win!  Now maybe all those checks will make it to the bank on time instead of weeks later.

“Cows in the Cafeteria” will be launched in January and I’m very excited about this new venture.  It’s been quite the journey getting to this point but it will be worth all the effort.  The the introduction and full explanation of what I’m talking about will come in another blog 🙂

There are other fun items in the works but I couldn’t wait to tell you about these.

Why is all this happening?  Because of friends like you who have helped to make this passion and mission of homesteading a reality.  Our goal to educate is the focus of our doings here at the Lazy B Farm.  We’ve hoped and dreamed, planted and tended and you all have been the rain of encouragement and support to make this farm what it is today.

Thank you!  And thanks for “liking” our FB page 🙂