Posts Tagged ‘retreat’

LHG Retreat – Friday, Oct 28

November 1, 2011

Finally, the weekend for our Ladies’ Homestead Gathering Retreat had arrived!!  I was so excited and couldn’t wait to get to the mountains!

Lynn and I pulled up to Foxfire about 1pm – a little later than I was planning but Lynn assured me she’d help me get everything set up for the ladies.

By the time everyone started to pull into the parking lot, we’d finished getting everything set.

Let the fun begin!

Foxfire had asked the weaver if she would stay a little longer on Friday so our group could come to watch her weave.

A couple of us headed down to her building.

Foxfire has such a rich history – too long to go into here, but I absolutely love all the buildings!

Sharon was a wonderful hostess and demonstrated the shuttle on this particular loom.  I was shocked to learn how long it took just to thread the looms BEFORE she even started weaving!

This loom took 5 hours to thread.  She had another loom that took DAYS to thread!  That’s dedication for you…


Sharon is also a spinner and dyes her own wool with natural dyes.  These skeins were beautiful – I loved touching the yarn.  Her favorite wool to spin is Romney – me too! Our Romney, Rosie, has an incredible fleece.

I recognized a lot of the plant names that she’d used in her dying.

I asked Sharon if she ever taught classes on natural dying.  She used to but it was too difficult now because of family issues.


But then Sharon came back around to it later on in our conversation and said she’d be open to doing a class with us at some point!

You can be sure I’ll follow up on that lead for next year’s retreat.  I’d love to learn how to dye my wool with natural dying agents.

I kept thinking of the Knit and Spin group when I was with Sharon, surrounded by such beautiful craftmanship.  They would have loved to see the Weaver’s building 🙂

Just a note – see all those hooks she hangs her skeins on??  That’s one of the first items I want to make in my blacksmith area so I can hang my wool like that in the farm store.

Paulette, who works with Foxfire, graciously agreed to come up to the Longhouse to speak to the women about the history of Foxfire.  The drizzle soon turned to rain and we all went inside.

AND, the Chainsaw Class had to be postponed till the next day.

So we consoled our disappointment by eating the most fabulous Italian dinner!!

Kim, Anne-Marie, and Stephanie put out an incredible spread!

A rainy, chilly night in the mountains of the Appalachians and homemade Italian food with close friends and soon-to-be close friends made for the most wonderful evening.

We all sat around, eating more than we should have, sipping homemade wine, sharing stories and laughing till we cried!

Little did we know, this would be the rhythm of our time together – learning, eating, laughing!

Paulette had specifically told me that no food should be left in cars or on the porches outside overnight….

Guess who slept in the tub  of my shared room that night????

Ladies’ Homestead Gathering Retreat – October 28 -30th

August 14, 2011


Location: Foxfire Museum       Mountain City, GA   (

Cost: $195  –  $50 deposit will hold your spot, the remainder due before the retreat

Guests:  this getaway is for adult women who are interested in any aspect of homesteading and desire the fellowship of like-minded women and learning new skills.

Weekend schedule:


3 – 5p   Arrive at Foxfire

6:00p   Italian Dinner

7:30p   Chainsaw and Wood Splitting Workshop

8:30p   Fire circle for stories and s’mores

*lights out – to be determined by you.  Please be considerate of those who go to bed early and they’ll be considerate of you the next morning while you’re still sleeping!



7:00a   Chicken Butchering Workshop

8:00a    Breakfast

9:00a    Bread making – yeast and cornbread Workshop

10:30    Foxfire Museum Tour

Noon     Lunch

1:30 – 4:30p    Herbal Class with Patricia Kyritsi Howell

6:00p    Dinner

7:30p    Free time;

Fire Circle for s’mores; feel free to bring crafts/games with you


8:00a    Breakfast

9:00a    Beekeeping from a Woman’s Perspective

Homestead Management Q & A – planning session

11:00     Lotions, Shampoo, Deodorants Workshop

12:30     Lunch

1:45p     Tennessee Rock Trail Hike

5:00p     Head Home

** We are in the process of putting the food schedule together.  In order to keep the cost down for this retreat, it was agreed that we would all pitch in and bring assigned foods and also help out with kitchen duties.

** Towels and linens are provided

**  A list of “What to Bring” will be sent out to all those who will be attending